Dec 29, 2017
There has certainly been an evolution of how we conduct commerce. It appears the majority of financial transactions today are paperless—just numbers transferring dollars.
But how do we answer the question, "Should we invest in BitCoin?"
Speculating versus prudent investing
Dec 22, 2017
We must admit that It's a Wonderful Life is a must-see family favorite
for the Christmas season. In today's episode we decide to have fun in picking out the many financial lessons that can be gleaned from this 1946 award-winning classic.
Dec 15, 2017
Long after the toys and gifts are broken or forgotten, our families will remember the Christmas experience.
Several ideas to create a memorable Christmas season including:
Go to church: What better place to be on Christmas Eve than in the house of the Lord, celebrating the birth of...
Dec 8, 2017
TV shows like "American Greed" draw us in with curiosity and then feed our focus on other people's greed.
"It's someone else's struggle or sin, not mine."
It's funny how easily we can measure how much is too much for others, but can't seem to find that "too much" point for ourselves.
Proverbs 20:6
Most men will...
Dec 1, 2017
What is success? Searching that on Google brings up 949 million hits making it a pretty popular subject!
The World is very preoccupied with success. But how is success measured?
Have you ever felt the pressure of not "arriving" yet? Or, perhaps you are not in the career that could be paying you the most? "What if I...