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Welcome from Tim and Troy!

Faith and Finances provides Christ-focused financial teaching and approaches each financial topic with the premise, "What does the Bible say about that?"

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Jul 26, 2019

Great things can happen, with a plan.

How often do we simply hope that our finances will improve, but lack a clear action plan?


In This Episode, We Look At:

The fallout from not having a financial plan.

The various levels of plans.

Creating a plan at the income level: Career progression, furthering education.

Creating a plan for today's cash flow: Do you have a savings goal? How will you reach that goal? Do you have debt to eliminate? Create and commit to a plan to eliminate that debt.

Creating a plan to generate future income. How much income will you need in the future? We talk about how to plan and invest to achieve a future income goal. Seeking expert counsel is often recommended.

Must-answer questions: How much do you need to invest now, in order to create the future income you will need?

What is the proper way to invest for your personal situation?


Resources and Links:

The Total Money Makeover - by Dave Ramsey

Against the Grain: Avoiding the Financial Pitfalls of Conventional Wisdom - by Tim Rosen

Multiply: What the Bible Teaches About Saving, Investing, and Planning for Your Future - by Tim Rosen


Improve Your Faith and Finances:

Creating financial plans helps us to faithfully steward the money God has blessed and entrusted us with.


Share Your Thoughts:

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

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